Saturday, August 20, 2011

Reflection & Advice

So I find myself sitting here on this Saturday afternoon realizing that as school starts, so many people I know are starting college or high school or just growing up in general. One example is one of my best friends' little sister is starting her freshman year of college at my parents alma mater A&M and it just hit me....holy shit...I'm old, and nothing in life is slowing down for me to take in what's going on around me. In our Roberts household, we have a routine that consists of waking up, Frank going to work, Frankie waking up, coffee, snacks, playtime, lunch, playtime, snacks, Frank getting home, dinner, bath time, Daddy Meow and Momma Meow time watching tv, then bed...and all over again and before I know it, my son is almost 9 months old!?!? It hit me that time really does fly and sometimes it doesn't give you time to stand on your own two feet and see clearly. Sometimes you feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and you can't stop spinning. After all I've been through I feel like I have a lot to say to not just young people starting life on their own but to adults who have lost sight of what matters. After all this realization I decided that some of you might need a few words of advice. So...

Life has many lessons to learn. In them you learn who your real friends are & who really cares. These are the people to keep around even when you don't want to...because nothing is better than a true friend. Don't be scared to say I Love's a scary phrase but you'll regret all the times you didn't say it more than the times you DID but didn't mean it. TALK. Don't be afraid to say what's truly on your heart & especially your mind...the words left unspoken will haunt you more than anything else ever could or will. Remember that every decision you make could make or break it with loved ones. People will always want what's "best for you" & some don't realize they want too much for you. We can only try to find a way to let them care without pushing them away. Don't take things or people for granted. Above all...remember that only with true love and peace can you TRULY be happy. Don't throw away either for the sake of your pride. Remember...your choices are half are everyone else's. LIVE. LAUGH. LOVE. Don't be scared to jump into may crash and burn...people may talk...but at least you'll know what it's like to LIVE.

And on a sentimental note? Here is something I have favored for a long time. It still makes me tear up. I listen to it whenever I need a pick me up or feel the need for advice. Soak it in and be grateful for every breath you take today.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Going On's...

Why Megan, what's going on in your life? I'm curious as to how things are in your neck of the woods! 

How am I you ask? Well I'd sure love to tell ya! Pull up a chair...

Lately things have been happ-nin. My son Frankie (who is pure perfection in every way) has two little parrot teeth on the bottom and this leads to really horrible shitty nursing sessions. I love my son, but I hate having my boobies gnawed on. Gross you say? Well screw off, you're not the one having boobies bitten ya asshole. What else...I started selling you're reading this, do me a solid and stop fucking wasting time on a g.d. blog and go to and buy some Avon from me because those dollhairs I make help feed/clothe/diaper my child...and every day you DON'T buy something from me, you are actively NOT helping my child! So, how's that for guilt...ok don't buy stuff if you don't want to but I'd sure love it if you did. I started doing it because...well, because several reasons. We're always broke as shit (who isn't when you have a baby) and it gives me something to do. It makes me feel like I have purpose. Being a stay at home mom is really hard on a person. I sometimes feel kinda useless since Frank is the breadwinner and although I love Frank and he's perfect and all, sometimes even he makes me feel like I could be doing frustrating. All I used to do was work work work and I do nothing but sit at home...and pick up toys...and feed the small one cheerios...and make juice bottles..and do the dishes...and cooking for 3...and laundry...and I know some of those things are things a normal single girl would do by herself but...not daily. These things are daily and it just...seems like I'm stagnant...then again someone pointed out that it only seems like it's going faster but my job is to raise Frankie and I forget how fast he's growing because I see him everyday...but everyday he grows in leaps and bounds and even though it seems repetitive to me it's kinda new for him everyday and he's slowly becoming a small person. I should be proud of's just hard sometimes to pat yourself on the back when it seems like you're running in circles. 

Other things on my do you forgive people when they do what seems like unforgivable things in your eyes? people just move on and forgive and forget? As I grow older I'm starting to think that not everything is forgivable. I see people in a different light now that I'm older, sober, and a mother and I don't like what I'm seeing. Maybe I need to meditate on what I have to say and save it for tomorrow...leave you guys wanting more...