Thursday, January 12, 2012

vaccinations and shitting unicorn wings

So I noticed a semi-heated debate on facebook today over vaccinating your kids. I'm rude and blunt and say what I think so since this is MY blog I'll write what I damn well please. While one mother brings up what seem like valid points on why NOT to vaccinate her very young chitlins, she also sounds really fucking stupid. While those moms that feel vaccination is best, their arguments sound stupid as shit compared to the blur of "medical facts" that "trump" the validity of giving these vaccinations. 


There was a time, a long long time ago where no one had any medicine. Being a good bit of Native American I'll be the first to say....herbal and alternative medicine is pretty much a bunch of fucking bullshit based on hit or miss incidents with different individuals and most of my ancestors believed in all this herbal shit. Some of it works, and I'll let them have those....but some shit is just stupid. Sure, American Indians are still around but shit they didn't have the largest populations to begin with and I'm sure the lack of medicine in their world didn't help. Another example : Laura Ingalls Wilder. My mother read these bullshit books to me as a kid. All I wanted to fucking do was run around like an ignorant little heathen like those little girls did. Babies died and girls went blind in those books. Anyone remember that? I'm all about being all natural and a peace lovin, tree huggin, organic lovin hippie. I'm not all about being fucking ignorant to the fact that medicine has come a long fucking way from the stupid little house in the big woods or the little house on the stupid disease infested prairie. I grew up a country kid. I played outside. I never wore shoes. I probably ate weird shit I found outside. I was a weird little redneck kid. I had fun but damnit my parents made sure I was always getting check ups. Why? Oh, because that's what you're supposed to do. 

Wait, there's bad shit in those shots I've been getting? I could kill my kid by giving them a shot? What's that? Beth died of fucking Scarlet Fever in Little Women? That's right. A fucking fever. You know why all those diseases from way back when have seemingly disappeared? Because a shit ton of fucking geniuses went to MEDICAL school and they graduated, ergo becoming OUR DOCTORS AND CAREGIVERS. I didn't fucking go to med school. I do what the dr's tell me bc they did. I'm not going to doubt the giant leaps and bounds science and medicine has made over the years because I don't want to risk some mercury?!? Shit I risked a lot more than that when I got pregnant and had the baby in the first place. How many risks come with pregnancy alone?!?! Sure I could give natural water birth to Lucy when she gets here because women for thousands of years have been birthing healthy babies in deserts and fields and wagons....but guess what, it's 20fucking12 and I'm not a Spartan woman. I'm a pansy princess bitch that likes to know my child will be born into a clean sterile environment.

I do not necessarily like all the shit that's in the medicine I've given Frankie that he could be exposed to, but the fact that there is a biological lockdown facility (thank you military and crazy people for creating possible zombie diseases, read here to see this scary shit) for shit like viruses that could lead to mass outbreaks makes me want to give him and Lucy whatever the dr says is best for him. We've reached medical breakthroughs and studied science for a fucking reason. As much as I would love for my kids to get swine flu, yellow fever, salmonella, measles, whooping cough, smallpox, polio and all those other awesome diseases I'll take my chances giving them shit that worked on me....vaccines. 

Dateline (among other things) has made the world paralyzed in fear over just about anything and everything. Basically, nothing is safe anymore. I will not call anyone a bad mother for giving them or not giving vaccinations. I will only loudly explain why I think it should be done. I'm sorry to those I've upset or offended (no I'm not) but if you want to check out some reasons why I'm all for it, check this out. 

Saying that there's no scientific proof that they work however, is the dumbest, most pathetic bullshit thing I've ever heard. Of course they've fucking studied it....of course they've done shit you've probably never heard about and OF COURSE hippies are going to tell you otherwise because hippies are batshit crazy and want everyone to just "chill" and "go with the flow" and "do what's natural". I'm half hippie, I'm down with trying not to ass rape mother Earth, but I'm not down with not taking Tylenol because it could potentially make me shit unicorn wings (see what I did there?). 

Enough about this vaccine bullshit, there's more important things for me to blog about. 

Teen Mom 2.  Jersey Shore.  My birthday.  The awesome cake I made.  Shitting unicorn wings. 

*disclaimer : this blog was written with very sarcastic hateful love. (see I did it again!!)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Youtube day.

I find it weird and creepy when childrens do: this shit.....

I don't think it's very cute.....or neat.......or amazing. 

I think it's fucking mind blowing that Susan Boyle looks like a cartoon from The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack but sounds like a chorus of little ear angels. Git DOWN with your bad self Susan!

I don't know if I get uncomfortable watching because I hate Nicki Minaj sooooo much or if it's because it is genuinely creepy, wrong, scary, and weird....and British....

I kind of want these little girls sedated but then again....

Also, this kid creeps me the fuck out and makes me cringe. Creepy.