Friday, September 16, 2011

And Before We Knew It....Fall Was Here...

Changes yo. Lots of them. Something insane for every month :/

October- Frankie's 1st Halloween. This is scary, I'm really starting to think he might be walking on his own by then and that's a big step for me to process. I'm proud Franny and myself have raised such a strong smart baby but it is the most painful thing to watch someone you made and who depended on you for every little thing suddenly start to not need you anymore. If you aren't a parent yet, please do your parents a favor and lie. Lie to them, make them feel all the time as though you need them in some way. Tell them you need them to help you decide how to cook dinner. You need help with your job, relationship, school, whatever. When Frankie pushes my hands away and tries to do things on his own it makes me proud he's able to but it secretly breaks my heart that he doesn't need me as much as he once did. I never thought I would be a very emotional parent or a needy parent but it seems as though I am truly a mirror image of my mother, I'm needy. I cry every day when I see him do something by himself and execute it so perfectly. It makes me so happy and sad at the same time. I'll be on suicide watch on his wedding day. Anyways, Halloween...what does he go as? Where should we take him? It's a big ordeal. I'm a hot mess over it. 

November...-....the month from HELL. Frankie turns 1. I will be on suicide watch yet again. I will be....the biggest hot mess....that ever roamed the Earth. I cannot fathom him turning a year old. It just....I can't even....tissues. Lots and lots of tissues. A plethora of tissues. Buy tissues or boxes of wine for me because I will need them. I will need copious amounts of both. I have no clue what kind of party to have, how to plan it, or where to have it, or if I even want to celebrate it because it means Frankie is one year closer to growing up and not needing his Momma anymore. Heeaarrttwrenching. Ok fine, I'm very excited about planning it but I'm dramatic and eccentric so I have to make a big deal of the entire ordeal and not just the day of cake and punch. I have an obligation to act as batshit crazy as Liza or Elizabeth on this subject. *And if you don't know which women I'm referring to we should maybe not be friends anymore....because it's no secret which crazy famous women of the world I adore*. Ideas for this huge event? Monster party? Monsters Inc. style? He could dress up as Frankenstein? One suggestion was Cars and no offence but HELLOOOO, his shower was Hot Wheels!!! (Thank you Whitney & Val for kicking ass and making it the most badass/adorable/awesome shower EVER) Cars would be cute....for when he's 5. Dinosaur party? Little Prince party? Royalty themed? Spongebob party because sometimes I think he loves Spongebob more than me and Dada. Rock n Roll themed? Ideas are appreciated. Right after his birthday is Thanksgiving....Jody, Mandy, you guys suck Godzilla balls for having to miss bday party AND Turkey day but you'll be here for Christmas so, comme ci comme ca. Teeechnically Frankie already had his 1st Thanksgiving but he was 3 days old and sleeping....all day. So...this year he can actually eat big people food as well which will be fun (BRING ON THE SWEET POTATOES!!!!). 

December- Frankie's. 1st. Real. Christmas. O.M.F.G. Last year at Christmas he was a month old and kinda chilled on the tree while Frank and I gave him all his gifts. Which he stared this year he will actually be able to attempt to open presents and eat candy and act all crazy. Now the great debate of telling him about Santa....we should probably introduce him to Santa now so we can bribe him throughout the years to behave because we all know who sees you when you're sleeping...and who knows when you're awake....which is tres creepy on Santa's part. Which reminds me...This is how I see Santa...
And then New Years followed quickly by my birthday and then mine and Frank's anniversary. So....there will be something monumental each month for a while....and it's really exciting but very scary. So much change but it's all such good change. I want to share it all with everyone I love so very much but I'm just not sure how to make it possible. Oh, by facebook of course. Anyways. That my friends is what is going on in my head these ideas, seriously....send them to me. I'm desperate.