Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Teen Mom. More or Less, Farrah is a Heinous Bitch.

All I can honestly say about last weeks episode is hot damn Farrah is a heinous bitch. Seriously. Does she not remember that her parents let her live in their HUGE NICE other house!?!?! Did she forget that they pay for half her shit and watch Sophia all the time!?!?! I was reading on MTV's fan page that people think she's becoming a better mom and needs a chance and just needs an attitude adjustment....I say NAY. She needs a bitch slap. She needs a big fat bitch slap and dose of reality. I feel really bad her HIGH SCHOOL boyfriend died and I get that an accident like that can take it's tole on a person but do people HAVE to use death as a crutch forever?! And must she use it as an excuse to last out at everyone and be rude, disrespectful, hateful, and snobby to every person she meets? She's a horrible person and I feel bad for Sophia. That poor baby is going to be raised thinking that it's ok to treat people like dirt. At this point, I even like the fat one more than Farrah (Amber being the far on obvs). I don't even feel like writing about the other girls. I just want it known that Farrah is a rude ungrateful little bitch and she doesn't deserve all the chances she has been given. My mother drives me BAT SHIT CRAZY because she herself is BAT SHIT CRAZY....but damnit that's my mother. No she did not birth me, she adopted me. She adopted me even though I was sick, had no life expectancy, and had thousands of dollars in experimental and revolutionary medical operations ahead for me. She still raised me, loved me, and cared for me and for that alone I owe her more than my life. If I EVER raised my voice or cursed at or around my parents I would be spanked, lectured, and grounded. I can't say it's all her parents fault because I would give up after a while if I had to deal with it.This is why as much as it will hurt me, I will yell at my son when he does something horrible when he gets older. I will ground him, I will make him earn every item in his room, and I will not hesitate to bend him over my knee if he needs it...bc I WILL teach my son respect, manners, and rules. If I ended up with a male Farrah, I'd fuckin kill myself.