Saturday, September 18, 2010
It's About Damn Time! EQUALITY FOR ALL!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Teen Mom
2010 MTV VMA's
One big clusterfuck. This year Chelsea Handler was chosen to host. Let me just start by saying that I LOVE CHELSEA HANDLER. She is rude, crude, foul mouthed, trashy, always drunk, never censors her thoughts or comments, never fails to be brutally honest, hysterical, and has such a beautiful dry sense of humor. Her stand up is outrageous and her show is perfection especially when Ross Matthews is on with her. She’s brilliant and would normally be the perfect choice for such an event but we all must remember that when chosen to host any awards show, there’s already a script mapped out with tons of “funnies” that the host is expected to sell. I think Miss Handler did an outstanding job with what she was given. Would it have been better if she could have just gotten to say what she had to say? Yes. Should she have gotten more air time? Yes. Everything about the VMA’s filming was so painfully awkward this year!
The red carpet. AWFUL. Some of the entrances were amazing, but as a friend of mine pointed out, the vj’s simply sucked. MTV threw in a bunch of no names that no one wants to see interview anyone. There was too much chaos going on with outdoor performances and early awards being given out that so many of the interviews and entrances were ruined. 30 Seconds to Mars had a super gnarly idea for an entrance by playing off their nominated video “Kings and Queens”. Jared Leto has always brilliantly tied every project they’re doing to coincide with whatever event they are attending. He’s an artist and always tries to keep a theme in mind. The grand entrance on the bikes using Echelon as a part of it was brilliant but the interview was so painfully awkward. Let the artist do their thing, then queue your awful vj to poorly execute an “interview”, ok MTV? More red carpet disaster (and I’m not talking about Firecrotch Lohan) was awarding Lady Gaga two random ass awards before the show started. Next time, just recognize the awards not “officially” presented somewhere in the middle of the show before you cut to a commercial and let the audience know who won and leave it at that. It was just awkward and weird and I would have much rather enjoyed a better interview with the lady of the night who had SO many things to talk about rather than giving her a lame award that no one will be talking about.
Performances? Where to start? Taylor Swift, I fell asleep while you were singing your stupid Kanye song. Get laid already and stop playing the sweet and innocent card. It’s not cute anymore and I’m tired of your songs. I wish I still liked you…but you’re dunzo. Emenim you did amazing but why oh why did you ever agree to a duet with an artist who time after time performs horribly live? Rhianna never has been good live and word was that she wasn’t going to make it due to filming her movie in Hawaii and then BAM there she is in a ballet Barbie meets combat Rambo “outfit” looking and sounding awful. Then we have my least favorite thing about the night…Nikki Whateverherlastnameis’s performance. Who is this crazy scary bitch and where did her talentless beluga whale ass wash up from? Bitch you wonder why some black women get a rep for being trashy…you madam epitomized it with 3 seconds of being on stage of your performance with Will. I. Am! It’s great and all that you could safely go jogging at night in that little git up you wore but seriously? Girl with an ass that big and a suit that tiny and tight, I was getting uncomfortable and claustrophobic just WATCHING you dance around making the most disgustingly awkward faces. Not a good look at all and I wish Will. I. Am hadn’t been in such an awkward “black man” outfit. We already have a Lady Gaga kiddos, ergo the days of being all Bjork and creative are over. Leave it Gaga and her FABULOUS meat dress to be creative, different, edgy, and new.
As for the winners, the only one I didn’t agree with was Justin Beiber winning best new artist. I kinda think that the amazingly trashy Ke$ha should have won. Yeah I’ve about had enough of her but I feel like Justin Beiber coulda nabbed it last year. Just a thought.
Highlights of the evening? GAGA. SIMPLY GAGA. Lady Gaga swept the awards this year winning damn near everything. Bravo bitch, you deserved it. Lady Gaga looked disgustingly fierce ALL night! Her tribute opening McQueen dress was out of this world. She also had very appropriate speeches for each award she accepted. It was also nice to see her so humbled and grateful every time she was on the stage. When Cher presented the most coveted award of the night, it was like the stars aligned for those few moments when Cher and Gaga were sharing the stage in all their divaness. I commend Lady Gaga for outspoken she was the entire night about her guests she brought with her and how much she was advocating for the discharged service men and women.
I suppose that’s all I can say about the 2010 VMA’s. Can’t wait for next years!
Body Modifications
WTF!?!?!?! WHAT IS THIS ABOUT!?!?! WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT IS "COOL" OR EVEN REMOTELY THE SAME AS PLASTIC SURGERY!?!? I'm not for or against plastic surgery. Do I want to get a boob job after baby is born if my boobs deflate like sad little balloons that have been lingering 5 days after the party is over? Well yeah! I don't want saggy gross boobs at 23...I do not however want Heidi Montag Frankentittays. I don't see the craziness in something like that. I do however see the sheer stupidity and craziness in getting a damn brass knuckle on your chest.

It's stupid and trashy and if you're into that kind of thig, great. You're gross and yes I do think less of you because I'm creeped the hell out from it and from people who think it's seriously and honestly "cool". Dermal implants are fucking sick. If you really need to change your body THAT much then maybe you and Heidi Montag or Jocelyn Wildenstein should become bff's and ride to Dr. 90210 together.

Glee can't win them all...
Bits and pieces of my little drama kid heart and soul died today.
Turns out Glee can't win over every single artist. It seems every week one more outstanding artist is releasing a statement about how they don't want the show to cover any of their songs! Red Hot Chili Peppers just said it would take away from their music. Sad freakin stuff man...some of the greatest most iconic artists are saying no...
I get it and I don't. They haven't made all the songs great...some of them they've kind of ruined for me but some of them have been outstanding. Thoughts?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Little Frankie Wood Roberts
Monday, September 13, 2010
All You Need is Love
It hits me every now and then how soon little Frankie is going to be here and I know he can hear and feel what all goes on around him. I don't want him to feel anger, or frustration I feel. I want him to feel the yearning for things to always be right between all the voices he's hearing around him. I want him to know that all the voices he hears are people that love him and can't wait for him to be here and I want him to know that everyone is happy with everyone and he's got a lot to look forward to when he gets here. It breaks my heart to think of him hearing the hurtful things that everyone including myself say about others. I never took into consideration how different Frank and I are until we don't see eye to eye on something. He's a prideful person who does everything with passion and he's a stubborn person willing to hold a grudge against the world just for the sake of not giving in first. Over the last couple of years I've learned to push my pride aside because it became a downfall for me. I also do everything passionately because I love and hate so hard. I'm stubborn but I'm merciful and really do want constant peace: a concept that I know is ludacris and unrealistic but something I yearn for none the less. I hope our son inherits a bit of all these qualities from both of us, but ultimately I hope he learns from what he's hearing now and I hope he understands that losing every fight, giving in first, waving a white flag, saying sorry even when you're not always in the wrong, picking and chosing your battles, being forgiving: ALL of it is worth it for love. Saying you're sorry can fix someone's world and if it's really just you biting your tongue and holding back then so be it because sometimes it's not always about what you want or need, sometimes it's about someone else.
It's not about my friends, it's not about my parents, or brothers, or sisters, or grandparents. It's not about any of Frank's family, it's not about myself or Frank. It's not about what any of us think or want or feel. It's not about us.
It's about little Frank Wood Roberts and it's about HIM being happy and learning to LOVE.
I hope he's getting the message of how I feel right now so he knows he's loved and things will be ok...and at the end of the day, through laughter, through tears, through the screaming and fighting, through the agreements and camaraderie, forgivness and's about LOVE.