Thursday, September 16, 2010

Teen Mom

Alright, as a mom to be, Frank and I have gotten all swept up in "Teen Mom". A.) I like talking shit about high school girls, and B.) It makes us feel better about our situation. I've seen all the 16 and Pregnant episodes of theses girls all the way up to the current season. I have so much to say about the girls and the most recent episode.
So many people don't like her or get why she's on the show. I get it. I myself was adopted, and althought the circumstances with my birth mother are far from Caitlyn's situation, it's for me personally to see adoption and the healing process through the eyes of a different mother who chose adoption. I love that she and Tyler have, up until Maci and Kyle, had the healthiest relationship on the show. They have such a horrible home situation and to decide on adoption because it was best for Carly takes a lot especially seeing how it's affected Caitlyn's relationship with her mom. Caitlyn's mom is a recovering (and I use the term lightly) drug and alcohol addict and it's obvious. Not only does her appearance scream addict but her erratic bipolar behavior is terrifying and I don't understand how Caitlyn can just sit there and take all the things she says and let them roll off her back. From birth mothers I know who opted for adoption and after mulling over the "what if" in my head when I found out I was pregnant, there's a lot to adoption that people overlook. I think that Caitlyn and Tyler have the biggest emotional, mental, & spiritual growing up to do out of everyone on the show and to see how Tyler handles his father being a hot mess all while being a rock for Caitlyn, it just touches your heart. To see Caitlyn and Tyler at the end of the day, they have only each other and a mere memory of Carly to get themselves through the decision they made to let that baby go to a better home and keep on with life as normally as possible. These two have stolen my heart and I hope they have a fabulous wedding and have babies babies babies down the road that they CAN take care of. Adoption is hard and I commend any and everyone involved in one.
Oh God where do I start? I have never really liked Farrah and the older she gets the more she grows on me but I still can't stand her. I know a lot of why she is so emotionally fucked up is because of the little known death of her boyfriend, Sophia's father. I understand she's heartbroken and all but by actively NOT dealing with it she has caused a bigger mess for her to dig herself out of. I understand crazy mothers better than most because mine is nuts and iconically acts a lot like Farrah's "Debrah" but in the last two episodes I just don't get where this immature and childish hate comes from. My mom has done more than spank me or smack me in the face and I moved on. Does it suck when you find yourself physically and emotionally fighting your own mother? Yes. Is it the end of the world? Hell no. Grow up Farrah. Your mom and dad that you're such a little bitch to have paid for you're maternity clothes, they paid for your doctor bills and they paid for you AND Sophia to live with them. I've got all the baby bills now, these things aren't cheap. Kids are pretty damn expensive and right now even if my dad buys me a taco from Taco Bell, I want to tear up and hug him and say, "Thank you daddy, I swear I'll pay you back $.80". Sure she got this phenominal job at a pizza place where she barely gets by and I commend her for at least trying, but all the things parents do for their kids when they're about to become grandparents should never be overlooked. Farrah has so many anger issues and at least now she knows she needs help, but will she ever get the help she needs? She left Sophia on the kitchen counter and walked away chatting on the phone. WHAT THE HELL!?!?! I know, I KNOW this is not just my newly developed maternal instincts saying WHAT THE HELL FARRAH! PAY MORE ATTENTION TO YOUR CHILD! When she fell off the bed 2 episodes ago I literally, LITERALLY almost shit myself. I thought my water was gonna break and I was gonna go into labor and birth my child 3 months early. Real talk. That's how insanely ridiculously scared I was when I saw and heard that baby hit the ground. Farrah, the world isn't full of mind readers. You will never be treated like an adult if you don't stop dicking around acting like such a cunt to everyone. I hope when you watch this season you cry yourself to sleep for a week straight when you realize how batshit crazy you are.
You're a fat bitch. The fact that you sucked up enough coke to last through half the 80's does not take away from the fact that you are still a fat, rude, annoying bitch. You did not lose 19 or however many dress sizes just by working out. We see your fat ass on tv layin around having Gary take care of your child. You don't burn calories by sleeping and yelling at Gary. Don't try and fool me. This pair just blows my mind. Poor Gary. He's just a idiot! That poor guy is just dumb. Plain and simply. Dumb. If Amber will actually sit down and watch the seasons play out on tv maybe she will see what a dumb bitch she is and finally realize that Gary's heart is in the right place and his intentions are good but he's just dumb. I wish Amber would realize that Gary is the only guy in the world that would stay with her and tolerate her so next time he upsets her by breathing, she should maybe shut the fuck up and deal with it. Also, Leah is a satan child. I hope she doesn't ever ever EVER see episodes of Teen Mom when you and fat daddy were fuckin nuts.
I saved the best for last. Maci is my favorite because this girl handles everything with as much dignity as she can muster. She always thinks about what really is best for Bentley. The other moms say that they want what's best for "insert baby's name here" but most of their intentions are not in the right place. Maci seems to only think about Bentley and she seems to handle all the situations with her doucher ex-fiance Ryan with her head held high. I'm pretty pissed that in the last episode Ryan suddenly wants Bentley to stay here so he goes to see what he can do to legally keep Maci stuck close to him just because his parents suggested it. Ryan's a douche nozzle and although his new girlfriend seems to be the only one of the two with parental instincts, it's not her damn kid or her place to try and get Bentley to stay there or have more time with Ryan. I love watching Maci and Kyle together and I especially love seeing Kyle with Bentley. Kyle's personality is much like my man's with the "What if's what if's what if's. Don't like em. Worry bout it if it comes". Such a great guy to be not only in Maci's life but in Bentley's life as well. Kudos to Maci for going to school, working, AND being a great mom. Double kudos to having the cutest kid ever.
Teen Mom. A show that I will forever be addicted to. I can't wait to see what I can say about next week. I'm ready to remind the world what a bitch Amber is....


  1. Please rant about season 7 of the office and who should replace carell.

  2. Done. That shall be my project for tomorrow.
