Saturday, September 18, 2010

It's About Damn Time! EQUALITY FOR ALL!

Well I just watched the story about this on a channel I never watch, Fox News, and I was just beside myself when they said they voted in favor of adding the book to the kids reading list. My mom has been an elementary school teacher for about 13 years now and she's actually had a student with two mommies and I witnessed first hand the "teasing and bullying" (I use the term lightly, because the shit that was said is way more than just bullying but what the hell ever) this child put up with because of his parents. I happily stepped right on in and neutralized the situation because I think my mom was just so appalled and shocked that she wasn't sure what to do or what to say. I was just floored that one of the kids had the balls to say to this child, "Your mommies are lesbos so you don't have a reeeeaaaal family. You don't have a daddy! It's like you just live with your grandparents."
Now...I just want to say first off that this kid is lucky I didn't beat the shit out of them because if they'd been 18 I woulda been on their ass like white on rice. Sadly, they weren't. Secondly, I was just MIND BLOWN at the vocaublary and thought process this little shithead had. They used the term "lesbo" and correctly knew the definition of a lesbian and had obviously heard somewhere that "lesbo" is the super nice way to talk about lesbians (bitch please). They also seemed to think that glorious grandparents aren't "real" people because apparently to this little doucher a "real family" is Beaver Fucking Cleaver's family. I know I'm from a close-minded small southern town but DAMN. What the hell are teaching kids when that is their thought process about how things are in the world?! A family is a family!
My other half Frank is from California and he's accepted gays but that's about it. We haven't explored how we're going to raise our son on this issue and I don't plan on talking about it with him. If our son is gay, he's gay and I'm gonna celebrate it and stand by him fighting for more rights for him and his partner just like I have good friends of mine. If he's not gay, I'm going to make sure my little boy doesn't turn up his nose or think he's better than gays. I WILL NOT raise an ignorant prejudice southern biggot who thinks he can say "faggot" or "nigger". If my son ever thinks about saying those words or thinks it's ok to use them, I'll do a hell of a lot more than wash his mouth out with soap. I hope to all things holy that no matter what I do as a mother, I raise a boy who is open minded like me and learns that we're in a different place and time than the Beaver Cleaver years and equality FOR ALL is what's best for this country. I hope he doesn't bully in school. I hope that Frank and I make sure that he never for once thinks that if his mommy and daddy aren't picture perfect by societies standards then that makes us any less of a family.
I wish people would just understand that gays don't have a fucking "agenda". This isn't Middle Earth, Lord of the Rings didn't really happen, there aren't epic fucking uprisings happening in Middle Earth for "The Ole' Ye Gays". Gays aren't plotting a damn diabolical scheme to take over the world-they just want some equal rights because they're people too. I'm proud of the board members that voted for this to be a requirement for kids to read. The school systems shove everything else down our fuckin throats so why not add to the melting pot and give people one more thing to bitch about. I will never tire from hearing old people bitch about how the world is today. NEVER. Time's are changing and if you can't hang, get the hell out. Retire, get rid of your tv, stop reading the paper, move to the mountains and make your own clothes, hunt your own food, pull a Little House on the Prairie and do things your old fashioned way and stay out of the way of those who are trying to pave a path for generations to come.
And that's my 99 cents. Don't like it? Move to the mountains and get off my blog.

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