Thursday, September 9, 2010

Eat Your Heart Out Wise County...

To everyone that feels like they need to blab about me or Frank or my family or even TO my family or blab about my life in general!...I guess it's time to give you a piece of my mind because apparently Facebook is THE PLACE to read about me and get info about me that's worth telling my mom about.

First's *%&#!*# Facebook yall. I love my facebook because it allows me to communicate with friends and loved ones in a regular fun and up close&personal kind of way. I've loved using this thing since high school and I'll continue using it so I can stay connected with people I love all over the place! What I post on here is MY thoughts because it's MY personal space on the internet to do so. What I post on here is what I WANT to share with MY friends so they can be updated on what's going on in my life. If you have a problem with how "rude/uncouth/unchristian/immature/not ready/sinful/cocky I am THEN SHUT THE HELL UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE! I'm 23 months pregnant trying to deal with this pregnancy with as much positivity and happiness as humanly possible and it's getting really damn annoying constantly watching my p's and q's so I don't offend anyone. Well, now I'M THE ONE OFFENDED at every person saying things about me behind my back or to my family. To all the adults out there whispering to each other about the "situation" I've gotten myself into? You should be ASHAMED of yourselves. Talking shit about a 22 year old young women happily experiencing her first pregnancy and you Wise County parents...PARENTS...have the audacity to whisper behind closed doors? You're GROWN MEN AND WOMEN, ACT LIKE IT. If I had the very small equal amount of class and decency that yall had I would change my status every hour on the hour airing your dirty laundry about your children partying it up, sleeping with whoever, asking me to go with them to get an abortion and "never tell a soul", "not tell my parents I'm gay/a lesbian". My how the tables would turn. Wise County people act so "holier than thou" and use their religious beliefs as a bullshit curtain to hide behind so they can justify what they have to bitch about. I stopped putting on a strong religious front a long time ago so I wouldn't be an hypocritical jerk just preachin and preachin when in all reality I looked like an idiot.

I don't think God would bless a man and woman that are in love with a child if he thought it was an abomination. I don't think God would be there for than man and woman when they needed him if having that child was so wrong. God doesn't get mad at people for disobeying him and then goes and pouts in a corner. A child is a blessing in anyone's eyes and that's what we are, blessed. Frank and I are blessed to be in love, happy, and have a healthy baby boy on the way.

This doesn't make US trashy, this doesn't bother US. Having an abortion or giving it up would make US horrible people. Following through with what's on our hearts and having him and starting a family doesn't make us horrible people. I've done far more trashy and sinful things in my life and for once I feel like I'm doing something right. So copy and paste this, send it to my family, call and blab about it to worry my mom because thats all most Wise County people are good for, GOSSIP. My mom has enough on her plate without you sticking your nose in business that ISN'T YOURS. This is facebook and if you don't like my page or Franks or our decision we're making, delete me, block me, send me a message about how rude and unmannerly I am, I WON'T NOTICE OR CARE!

Apparently me even posting anything about MY BABY BOY is "uncalled for" and people quickly make it their job to call my mom and tell her I'm "showing off" on fb. How in perfect hell do you "show off" getting fat and bitchy out of marriage in a small town like Bridgeport?...seriously, I'm never shocked at the lack of class and hypocrisy there. Never. I'm not auditioning for 16 and pregnant. We're grown adults being responsible. I'm having a damn kid and I'm sick and tired of feeling like I should Anne Frank my son and hide it and keep my mouth shut. When he pops out EVERYONE and God is gonna see him and know he exists so I'm' gonna start being proud of him before he's even here! No we aren't married and no we don't need to hear the pros or cons to jumpin on the marriage band wagon! What's important is I'm having a baby, but I'm having him WITH his amazing daddy. WE are starting OUR FAMILY and WE are fine with the way we're going about it. We'll get married when we're damn well ready, so don't bother telling either of us that you think we should or shouldn't. Your opinon doesn't mean anything to us.

And that's that. This is what I have to say. I'm about 6 months in and he's comin out whether anyone is ready or deal with it, keep your mouth shut and stand behind us or? stay out of our life. Go gossip about someone else's life.

I'll be sure and keep everyone updated on Facebook AND Myspace on how our beautiful baby boy is doing. Get used to it-

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