Friday, January 6, 2012

....the bitch is baaaack.....

It's been a while. I apologize. I let someone get the better of me and felt it would be best if I behaved and stopped for a while. my bullshit "resolution" for the new year is to blog more. I know, I'm raising a small person who only gives me a small break once a day when he naps when I'm usually frantically running around trying to clean, pickup, vacuum, make the bed, shower, eat....and I have another one on the way in April so I'll be busy...but I'm determined to dedicate some time for myself...bc damnit...I need to keep my sanity.

What's been going on?

I'm having a little Princess, Lucy Roberts. She's due April 30th and I cannot try to put into words how thrilled I am. I'm getting one of each...a prince and a princess. I was shocked when I found out but I was equally excited. So things will be changing in our world. Hopefully Frank will get to take a step up to the position he wants now that he's seen what his job has to offer. If he gets this, we can move back home. It kind of makes me sad because I'm starting to really like it down here...but on the flip side, I want to go back home if I'm going to have TWO little gremlins to raise. I want to be close to our families especially since the new job prospect means traveling...a LOT. I can handle it all, and I'll be thankful for it all....but I want to be closer to home if that's what's going to happen...and that isn't selfish of me. 

There's been a lot of drama going on around me. I'm glad I'm not a part of it....but I will say this : If you have shitty things happen to you....accidents, fights, losing something or someone, an illness, loss of a job,'s probably karma biting you in the ass for being shitty in general. I was a shitty person, I was piles of shitty...and I got what was coming to me...and now that I've tried turning my life around I'm catching a few more breaks and life is getting easier for me one day at a time. I am finding it increasingly hard for me to sympathize or pity others or even show compassion because I felt like I did that for so long and it was abused so much, it's not worth the wasted feelings anymore. I CAN say however that while I won't wish anything negative on anyone or what they're going through...I WILL sit back and smile. If you put yourself in what you knew would be a stressful situation, I won't pat you on the back when shit gets hard. People left me in the dust to figure shit out on my own....and instead of "learning from it and being a better person" I'd rather not waste my time and just laugh. It's about time I got that opportunity. Just a thought...if you shit on my life or cause Frank to talk about anything I don't care to hear....I just might laugh when someone else craps on yours. 

The new me I'm turning into really only cares about Frank and our children. It's hard to care about others when they make it hard. I'm happy with the lioness mother I'm turning into.

Like I said...I'm back...and we all know I speak my mind as loud as I prepared to be subtly called out on here for my own humor purposes....that's simply how I roll :)


  1. I love you Rebel! Like I have said a bizzilion and now a bizillion and one times cant wait to read your published work!

  2. Your outlook on motherhood reminds me of a quote from Role Models,

    "I am a lioness. A black sheba. I am a lioness, and this is my cub. If you mess with my cub, I will claw your ass up until you shit sideways."

    I LOVE IT! : )


  3. Lol.....woo....thank you....that's highlarious and perfect.

    Love you too Kathy!!!! That may be my goal for 2013...actually try and get something published :)
