Wednesday, March 28, 2012


So, I'm gearing up for the arrival of Lucy Avis Roberts. I'm anxious. I'm nervous. I'm excited. I'm determined. I'm ready. I don't know how it will be having a newborn and a toddler with the stamina of 10 toddlers on a sugar high. I'm anxious because I want to meet her. I'm nervous because Frank will have to work shortly after I have her and I will be all alone 2 hours away from family recovering from a c-section on my own. My Granddad is recovering from a stroke & has heart complications hindering the recovery process so sadly, it's a waiting game of how long he can make it...I'm insisting my family stay up there close to him to spend as much time as possible with him instead of with me. It's the right thing to do. I'm excited because I always wanted a baby girl and she has so many damn outfits that are so damn cute I can't wait to see her in them. I'm determined because everyone that has 2 has had nothing positive to say. It's like they had a miserable time so they feel it's their obligation to warn/scare me into being as miserable as they were. Well, eff that. I'm determined to be successful at being a mother of two and I'm determined for everything to go just as it did with Frankie and not experience any postpartum depression or anything and handle things with joy and positive energy like before. 

A lot of people are telling me they love the name choice and are curious where it came from. Well, Lucy came from several things. It came from Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds by the Beatles. Not only are they my favorite band or musicians of all time, I simply have sweet memories of the song as a little girl. I have always loved the idea of flying in a night sky with diamonds as the stars, floating in a small boat filled with soft blankets looking up at pink skies and orange trees. I thought if I ever had a little girl I'd want her to have "sun in her eyes" with bright eyes that could light up everything. If you know me at all, you know I LOVE vintage, the 50's to be specific. One of my idols is Lucille Ball. She named her daughter Lucie but I decided to stick with Lucy with a 'y'. I want to be able to use I Love Lucy memorabilia to decorate as she grows up and I want her to grow up knowing who the CLASSIC women worth learning about are. Avis is an older name as well and since we already have a classic name with Frankie we decided to go ahead and use Avis for Lucy's middle name. Most of you that know me or grew up in Bridgeport know my Memaw Willine. She is the matriarch of the Wood family and the one person in this world I admire the most. She and my Pawpaw were THE MOST amazing, inspiring, kind, godly, wise, strong, resilient people I have ever known.  If I want advice, I go to her. She handles everything with such grace, humility, and kindness. So many people were so disappointed and judgmental when I announced I was pregnant with Frankie. I probably got some eye rolls when I announced I was having Lucy. When I told my Memaw about both pregnancies, she took the news with a smile and the immediate love & excitement. She has helped our little family get it's feet on the ground and she has done so without us asking and against our hesitation because she believes we deserve the best. She has embraced Frank with an open heart and hasn't passed unnecessary judgement on him for any reason like everyone else has. She has not scolded me or treated me with disgust like others have. She has only shown us love and given us words of encouragement. She's truly been a beacon in our darkest hours and for that we decided to take her first name, Avis, and bless little Lucy with it. We want to honor my Memaw and pass down a name that deserves to be remembered. So that my friends is where Lucy Avis Roberts comes from :)

I think I'm ready for this next chapter. If you look at my life in disgust or think "God I'd hate to be her", go fuck yourself. I'm still absolutely stunning for being 8 months pregnant. I'm marrying a gorgeous, devastatingly handsome man who loves me, our son, & daughter more than anything in the world. I have a real man who has busted his ass to provide a good life for us in 2 short years. I met the Romeo to my Juliet, the Johnny to my June, the Pinky to my Brain, the Maid Marian to my Robin Hood (Disney style), the chocolate to my Willy Wonka. I have a GORGEOUS, perfect, well behaved, intelligent, kind baby boy with the sweetest disposition and I guarantee my daughter will be just as gorgeous. No, I didn't go off to some big university to get a piece of paper to feel better about myself. No I didn't manage to stay out of trouble, I did what everyone else has done but I got caught. No I didn't get married first to make all you perfect Christian's more comfortable. No Frank isn't home all the time. No we don't have time to do things for just us anymore. Guess what, I'm fine with that. I'll be around to watch my grandkids have grandkids. I'll be young enough to actually play with my kids and enjoy it. I won't be starting my family at 30. I get to have children and spend years and years with them once they're grown and that is what I want, that is what makes me happy. So if my lifestyle isn't up to par with yours and you think I'm crazy for being happy, fine. This is where we are right now...and we are happy. Happier than you can fathom.

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