Thursday, September 6, 2012

Here comes the bride....FINALLY!

Well ladies and's official. The Frank & I are getting married. We set a date. We set a time (unless I change my mind by a whole 30 minutes) and by god we're finally going to "take the plunge" as it were. I know a lot of people are wondering why we didn't get married when had Frankie and some were even more curious when I had Lucy. Well, to be honest, it's no one's business really. I guess wanted to make sure we were committed to each other and not obligated because we had kids together. Every day I get on facebook and see single moms and dads just berate the hell out of the other parent of their child that is no longer in the picture. As much fun as it is to talk an absurd amount of shit about an ex, if you made the choice to have sex, make a child, and decide to KEEP said child, then you should be able to make the choice to stay together for the sake of your kid. If you absolutely cannot work it out, I understand. I get that some people just made a bad judgement call at the wrong time and got screwed figuratively and literally. I understand, but to berate them constantly and vocalize how much of a dead beat they are is sad, immature, and pretty damn destructive to your kid. Let them be the judge when they're older. It's hard to raise a kid but it's harder to raise them with someone you barely know. Not gonna lie, Frank & I were scared when we found out I was pregnant with Frankie, scared because we didn't know what we were doing, didn't know each other as well as we wanted, and didn't know what we were going to do in the future. Over the last 3 years, Frank & I have overcome obstacles no one should have to overcome. We fought hard for our relationship and it's become a beautiful foundation for the little family we have. We're happy together and we're ready to just make it all legal. We're having it in my parents back yard at the ranch. There will be brisket, smoked salmon, Shiner, Lonestar, twice baked potatoes, cupcakes, pumpkin pie, hay bales, burlap, and lace. I'm ready. I'm nervous. I'm happy. I'm excited. 

I'll be Megan Roberts soon....and I hate to tell you, absolutely nothing will change. Frank will still be my soul mate, Lucy & Frankie will still be my soul. But I might be a slightly happier woman after being able to have the gorgeous wedding I've been dreaming of and being able to publicly commit to spending the rest of my life with the most handsome, sweet, amazing daddy to our babies and other half a person could dream of. 

November 21st is gonna be a damn good day....

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